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Every day people fall victim to scams of one kind or another.
Some are very sophisticated and can use very persuasive techniques, where
others just appeal to greed.
It could be an unexpected lottery win, an opportunity to make millions by helping to get money out of a country, or sending money to someone you met on a dating site to cover medical expenses after an accident.
Everyone is a target, and the scammers see us as a money tree.
The key is to avoid becoming a victim in the first place.
Remember: if its sounds too good to be true, it probably is!
There are warning signs that you can recognize in order to protect yourself
and your money from the scammers.
You can prevent becoming a victim of a scam by:
You can also make us aware of any scams you think you have encountered by using our Report Scams.
The book is now completed and available on the Scam Book page on this site.
We have added a new feature providing you an opportunity on most of the scam topics to add your knowledge, stories, experience, or tips to help others from being scammed. Look at the bottom of each page to find out if you can contribute.
To speed up finding the topics on this website that you are interested in, there is a search function Sitesearch at the top of the navigation bar on the left hand side. Just type in a word or phrase and Sitesearch will find all references to it within this site.
Please subscribe to our newsletter that provides news, helpful tips and recommendations that will help you protect yourself, and the people you care about, from becoming victims of fraud.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse posuere vulputate tortor. Cras molestie lectus a rutrum semper. Proin venenatis, diam id ullamcorper rutrum, nisl nunc tincidunt quam, sed sodales tellus diam sit amet purus. Etiam dui nisi, fringilla eu pretium in, mollis eleifend arcu. Integer et est a sapien vulputate vestibulum. Fusce eget arcu enim. Nullam maximus pellentesque urna, sed euismod sapien. Sed porttitor ullamcorper erat ac accumsan. Donec dignissim felis eu tellus aliquam, id ultrices mauris aliquet. Sed ultricies ac felis id placerat. Morbi vel ex nisi.
Vivamus eget pretium augue. Vivamus tincidunt nec orci nec ornare. Quisque viverra odio non nisi mattis, ac laoreet orci aliquam. Aliquam vitae dignissim nisl. Aenean euismod tempus semper. Curabitur eget imperdiet turpis.
Integer sit amet malesuada nisi. Duis in justo at enim ornare pretium. Praesent ligula quam, rhoncus eget fermentum at, volutpat in arcu. Quisque a laoreet tellus, at fermentum mauris. Nunc luctus mi libero, quis pulvinar purus varius eu. Sed eget faucibus mi. Vestibulum luctus mi eu sem mattis, quis tempor massa tristique. Nullam vel sapien nibh.
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